Updated: 2023-09-06
3 min read
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Intermediate results
- Appeared intuitive understanding of algorithms.
- In most cases, one hour is not enough to solve the problem.
If you start sketching an intuitive algorithm, then in the process comes an understanding and an improved solution.
Update plan by solution:
- After reading, if there is no exact solution:
- Assume/analyze/draw the proposed algorithm
- View solutions with explanations
- Compare with your own / analyze
- Code
# | Problem | Difficulty | Topics |
21 | 28. Find the Index of the First Occurrence in a String | Medium | String, Two pointers, String Matching |
22 | 29. Divide Two Integers | Medium | Math, Bit Manipulation |
23 | 33. Search in Rotated Sorted Array | Medium | Array, Binary Search, |
24 | 34. Find First and Last Position of Element in Sorted Array | Medium | Array, Binary Search, |
25 | 36. Valid Sudoku | Medium | Array, Hash Table, Matrix |
26 | 38. Count and Say | Medium | String |
27 | 46. Permutations | Medium | Array, Backtracking |
28 | 48. Rotate Image | Medium | Array, Math, Matrix |
29 | 49. Group Anagrams | Medium | Array, Hash Table, String, Sorting |
30 | 50. Pow(x, n) | Medium | Math, Recursion |
31 | 53. Maximum Subarray | Medium | Array, Divide and Conquer, Dynamic Programming |
Intermediate results
Revise training tactics. Prepare list of top coding patterns.
Practice on each coding pattern.
# | Problem | Difficulty | Topics |
32 | 55. Jump Game | Medium | Array, Greedy, Dynamic Programming |
33 | 56. Merge Intervals | Medium | Array, Sorting, |
34 | 62. Unique Paths | Medium | Math, Dynamic Programming, Combinatorics] |
35 | 73. Set Matrix Zeroes | Medium | Array, Hash Table, Matrix |
36 | 75. Sort Colors | Medium | Array, Two Pointers, Sorting |
37 | 78. Subsets | Medium | Array, Backtracking, Bit Manipulation |
Started participating in contests.