# """
# This is the ArrayReader's API interface.
# You should not implement it, or speculate about its implementation
# """
# class ArrayReader(object):
# # Compares 4 different elements in the array
# # return 4 if the values of the 4 elements are the same (0 or 1).
# # return 2 if three elements have a value equal to 0 and one element has value equal to 1 or vice versa.
# # return 0 : if two element have a value equal to 0 and two elements have a value equal to 1.
# def query(self, a: int, b: int, c: int, d: int) -> int:
# # Returns the length of the array
# def length(self) -> int:
class Solution:
def guessMajority(self, reader: "ArrayReader") -> int:
n = reader.length()
x = reader.query(0, 1, 2, 3)
a, b = 1, 0
k = 0
for i in range(4, n):
if reader.query(0, 1, 2, i) == x:
a += 1
b += 1
k = i
y = reader.query(0, 1, 2, 4)
if reader.query(1, 2, 3, 4) == y:
a += 1
b += 1
k = 0
if reader.query(0, 2, 3, 4) == y:
a += 1
b += 1
k = 1
if reader.query(0, 1, 3, 4) == y:
a += 1
b += 1
k = 2
if a == b:
return -1
return 3 if a > b else k