EC2 Initial Setup and SSH Connection

Updated: 2025-02-27
2 min read
[AWS EC2 SSH Cloud]

Step 1: Launch an EC2 Instance

  1. Go to the AWS Console → Navigate to EC2.
  2. Click Launch Instance.
  3. Choose an AMI (e.g., Amazon Linux, Ubuntu).
  4. Select an instance type (e.g., t2.micro for free tier).
  5. Configure instance details (default settings are fine).
  6. Add storage (default 8GB is sufficient, adjust as needed).
  7. Configure security groups:
    • Allow SSH (port 22) from My IP (recommended).
    • Add rules for other services (e.g., HTTP, HTTPS) if needed.
  8. Choose or create a key pair (important for SSH access).
  9. Click Launch.

Step 2: Connect to EC2 via SSH

Using a .pem Key (Linux/macOS)

  1. Move the key to a secure location:

    mv ~/Downloads/my-key.pem ~/.ssh/
  2. Set permissions:

    chmod 400 ~/.ssh/my-key.pem
  3. Connect:

    ssh -i ~/.ssh/my-key.pem admin@your-ec2-public-ip
    # ssh -i ~/.ssh/my-key.pem admin@
  • Replace ec2-user/admin with ubuntu for Ubuntu AMIs.
  • Replace your-ec2-public-ip with the instance’s public IP.

Using PuTTY (Windows)

  1. Convert .pem to .ppk using PuTTYgen.
  2. Open PuTTY.
  3. Under Session, enter your-ec2-public-ip in Host Name.
  4. Go to SSH → Auth, load the .ppk file.
  5. Click Open.

Step 3: Configure Automatic SSH Login

  1. Start the SSH agent (if required):

    eval "$(ssh-agent -s)"
  2. Add the key:

    ssh-add ~/.ssh/my-key.pem
  3. Now, connect with:

    ssh admin@your-ec2-public-ip

Method 2: Add Key to SSH Config File

  1. Open (or create) the SSH config file:

    nano ~/.ssh/config
  2. Add the following:

    Host my-ec2
        HostName your-ec2-public-ip
        User ec2-user
        IdentityFile ~/.ssh/my-key.pem
  3. Save and exit (CTRL+X, then Y, then ENTER).

  4. Now, connect easily with:

    ssh my-ec2


Once connected: