Hugo resize a picture on click
On This Page
Hugo by default uses parsing of markdown files. This means that we get the html code as it is written in markdown.
In order to understand which images we can enhance, we add a separate tag/key/id to those images
To implement the functionality, we need to:
- Write/connect a script/handler that will perform the zoomin effect on the images we need
- Add the necessary metadata to the images, so the script can find them
zoomin script
To add the ability to zoom on click, we will use the medium-zoom package.
This package provides this functionality in a non-loaded, handy style.
Script logic
The script finds images with id
and so understands to apply the zoomin
property to those images
Possible id
- zoom-default
- zoom-margin
- zoom-background
- zoom-scrollOffset
- zoom-trigger
- zoom-detach
- zoom-center
Connecting the scripts
In order for the script to work, we need to connect the logic as well as the handler.
Hugo has a static folder in the root of the project, which can be used to store static files (styles, scripts) and used to connect them to the site. If there is no such folder, you can create one.
In the static folder create a folder zoom-image and add two scripts to it
const zoomDefault = mediumZoom('#zoom-default')
const zoomMargin = mediumZoom('#zoom-margin', { margin: 48 })
const zoomBackground = mediumZoom('#zoom-background', { background: '#212530' })
const zoomScrollOffset = mediumZoom('#zoom-scrollOffset', {
scrollOffset: 0,
background: 'rgba(25, 18, 25, .9)',
// Trigger the zoom when the button is clicked
const zoomToTrigger = mediumZoom('#zoom-trigger')
const button = document.querySelector('#button-trigger')
button.addEventListener('click', () =>
// Detach the zoom after having been zoomed once
const zoomToDetach = mediumZoom('#zoom-detach')
zoomToDetach.on('closed', () => zoomToDetach.detach())
// Observe zooms to write the history
const observedZooms = [
// Log all interactions in the history
const history = document.querySelector('#history')
observedZooms.forEach(zoom => {
zoom.on('open', event => {
const time = new Date().toLocaleTimeString()
history.innerHTML += `<li>Image "<em>${
}</em>" was zoomed at ${time}</li>`
zoom.on('detach', event => {
const time = new Date().toLocaleTimeString()
history.innerHTML += `<li>Image <em>"${
}"</em> was detached at ${time}</li>`
// Show placeholders for paragraphs
const paragraphs = []'p.placeholder'))
paragraphs.forEach(paragraph => {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign
paragraph.innerHTML = paragraph.textContent
.split(' ')
.filter(text => text.length > 4)
.map(text => `<span class="placeholder__word">${text}</span>`)
.join(' ')
CDN script
You can download the script, or you can upload it
Adding to template
In order for these scripts to work in the website template, they must be connected.
I use for this the template baseof.html. I simply add links to the scripts in body of the template.
# baseof.html
<script src="" defer></script>
<script src="/js/zoom-image/placeholders.js" defer></script>
<script src="/js/zoom-image/index.js" defer></script>
image ID
Hugo allows you to change the parsing behavior of markdown files with hooks. You can read more about render-hooks at website.
In the *layouts folder.
Let’s add the file render-image.html to the following path layouts -> _default -> _markup
file code:
<p class="md__image">
<img src="{{ .Destination | safeURL }}" id="zoom-default" alt="{{ .Text }}" {{ with .Title}} title="{{ . }}" {{ end }} />
We only added id="zoom-default"
to the default code