Telegram bot with Google Apps Script (GAS)

Updated: 2024-12-26
3 min read

1. Set Up the Telegram Bot

  • Use the BotFather on Telegram to create a new bot.
  • Get your HTTP API token.

2. Google Apps Script Code

Google Apps Script for a Telegram bot:

var WEBHOOK_URL = 'YOUR_WEB_APP_URL';  // web app URL of your GAS deployment.
var USERS_SPREAD_SHEET_NAME='usersAnswers'

var COLUMN_STEP_1 = 'E'
var COLUMN_STEP_2 = 'F'

function setWebhook() {  // run after every deploy and updated WEBHOOK_URL
  var url = '' + TOKEN + '/setWebhook?url=' + WEBHOOK_URL;

function doPost(e) {
  var data = JSON.parse(e.postData.contents);
  var message = data.message.text;
  var chatId = String(;
  var name = + " " +;
  const userData = data.message.from

  const propertiesService = PropertiesService.getScriptProperties()
  let chatDialogStatus = propertiesService.getProperty(chatId)
  let msg = ''
  const COMMANDS = '\n/start\n/about\n/stat\n/add\n/show\n/pause\n/request'
  try {
    if (message === '/start') {
      saveRequestToSpreadsheet(userData, message)
      msg = 'Choose an action:' + COMMANDS
    } else if (message === '/add') {  // Will be in two steps (requests from user)
      propertiesService.setProperty(chatId, 'WAITING_FOR_ADD_STEP_1');
      updateChatText(userData,, COLUMN_DATE);
      msg = "Step 1. Send first value"
    } else if (chatDialogStatus == 'WAITING_FOR_ADD_STEP_1') {
      updateChatText(userData, message, COLUMN_STEP_1);  // Save to spreadsheet
      propertiesService.setProperty(chatId, 'WAITING_FOR_ADD_STEP_2');
      msg = 'Step 2. Send second value'
    } else if (chatDialogStatus === 'WAITING_FOR_ADD_STEP_2') {
      updateChatText(userData, message, COLUMN_STEP_2);
      msg = 'Done. Two values saved in different columns'
    } else {
      saveRequestToSpreadsheet(userData, message)
      msg = 'Hello ' + name + ' id: ' + chatId + '\nYour text:\n' + message
      msg += '\nPossible commands:' + COMMANDS
  } catch (e) {
    msg += '\n Error: ' + e + '\nStatus: ' + chatDialogStatus
  sendToTGM(chatId, msg);

function sendTelegramMessage(chatId, text) {
  var apiUrl = '' + TOKEN + '/sendMessage';
  var payload = {
    'method': 'post',
    'payload': {
      'chat_id': chatId,
      'text': String(text)
  UrlFetchApp.fetch(apiUrl, payload);

function saveToSpreadsheet(userData, text) {
  var spreadsheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName(USERS_SPREAD_SHEET_NAME);
  spreadsheet.appendRow([, userData.first_name, userData.last_name, userData.username, text]);

function getAllSessionsForUser(userData) {
  var spreadsheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName(USERS_SPREAD_SHEET_NAME);
  var rows = spreadsheet.getDataRange().getValues();
  var sessions = [];
  for (var i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) {
    if (rows[i][0] === {   // If user id matches
      sessions.push(rows[i][4]);        // Assuming answer to question 1 is in the 5th column
  return sessions;

// helpers

function updateChatText(userData, text, column) {
  var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName(USERS_SPREAD_SHEET_NAME);
  var data = sheet.getDataRange().getValues();

  var rowIndex = -1;
  for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
    if (data[i][0] == {
      rowIndex = i + 1; // Adding 1 to convert index to row number
  const columnNumber = column.charCodeAt(0) - 65 + 1; // Convert column letter to number
  if (rowIndex != -1) {

    sheet.getRange(rowIndex, columnNumber).setValue(text);
    Logger.log("Text updated successfully.");
  } else {
    Logger.log("ChatId not found. Creating new.");
    saveToSpreadsheet(userData, text, columnNumber)

Deploy as Web App

  • Click on the cloud icon in GAS to “Deploy” > “New Deployment”.
  • Choose type as “Web app”.
  • Set permissions and deploy.
  • You will get a URL (This is what you’ll use as WEB_APP_URL in the above code).

Run setWebhook() Function

  • This tells Telegram where your bot’s web app is hosted.

Bot Commands

After you’ve done the above, you can send /start to your bot, and it should respond with the options.